Andrew Todd, Ph.D.- Independent Contractor (March - June 2023)
Responsibilities: General oversight of business and affairs of Running Rivers, plus duties of temporary executive director
Dr. Andrew Todd has spent his career working to ensure the health of rivers and streams in Colorado. Andrew has worked as a contaminants biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as an aquatics specialist for Trout Unlimited’s Western Water Project, as a research biologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, as an aquatic ecotoxicologist, and currently as a water quality specialist for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Andrew served for 9 years as a Commissioner on the governor-appointed Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, two years of which he served as Chair. Andrew also served on the Board of Trustees of the Colorado Foundation for Water Education, and currently serves as Vice President of the Westcliffe, CO based trail stewardship organization Trails for All.
Andrew is a stubborn trail runner, a decent fly fisherman, and a craft beer enthusiast, three passions that he fused together to create the Rocky Mountain Flyathlon! He has completed the Troutman 6 times, Ültroüt once, and is currently training for 2024 attempts at Lucifish and FINSANITY!
Coolest Fish I Ever Caught
WeRunFar profile